A journal entry from 2.3.10
Daddy, last night when I couldn't sleep, I thought of my life right now and it is kind of like I am facing a big brick wall. The wall is all the stuff that is holding me back from you Father. I know you are on the other side calling for me, waiting to embrace me. It is my decision to sit there and think "I can't break down this wall" or to pound at it, never giving up, no matter how hard or how long it takes, no matter how unmotivated I feel, just pound at it until it falls and I feel Your warmth again. I really cannot wait until the day I can be with You. Soon and very soon. I know right now it feels like eternity, but once I am there it will be ETERNITY. It will be wonderful. I'll be with the one I love, with unveiled face I'll see You.
Now this goes to show that every Christian goes through dry seasons, or season when they feel they are completely separated from God because of things in their lives. And yes the separation part USED to be true, but THANK THE LORD that is not the fact anymore because Christ's blood was shed so that separation would be taken away. This entry shows my testimony that even in times when you feel this way, if you don't give up God will be there ALWAYS and you WILL feel Him again. Today I am happy and full of joy, regardless of this feeling I had for quite some time. I hope this can be an encouragement to someone.
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