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Showing posts from July, 2016

Ask Me About The Thorn In My Flesh

I was diagnosed with a disease in November called Neurofibromatosis. I have tumors interwoven in my nerves in my right leg and a tiny one in my nerve in my left leg. They hurt and can cause my future children to be born with my disease as well. There are more details but that is the nutshell version. I had been crippled by fear from November until April 25 when I had victory over my constant fear of my disease for three months. Until about A week ago I was free from fear in this area of my life. As a P.E.T scan (which I have to get every six months) approached I fell back into fear. Literally, I fell on my kitchen floor and bawled my eyes out before Jesus. My hearts cry is that these tumors be taken away. In the beginning of all this mess I was mad at God. I've never been mad at God for anything. In the beginning of all this mess my prayer was only God heal me completely here and now. But as time went on and I began to seek Jesus more, my heart towards my situation and my prayers...