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Showing posts from August, 2013

The Struggle

I have always struggled when it comes to guys. I sadly am one of those girls who has always felt like she needed to have a guy telling her her worth to really feel that she is anything.  Thinking back, I cannot remember a time I did not have some form of guy there for me, if I was technically single, I still had a few guys on the side I strung along to make myself feel good...and sadly I hurt a lot of them. For this I am still ashamed and hope they have forgiven me. Anyways, that's the back story in a nutshell to what the Lord is revealing to me now. The serious relationship I was in before the one I'm in now (the one I can actually count as a legit relationship) was NOT glorifying to the Lord. I'm going to be super honest and real in the next few sentences...although he and I never slept together, there were many things in our relationship that were meant to only be experienced within the marriage relationship. We were FAR to emotionally involved and in many ways ac...